What is the Encyclopedia of Clamps?

BLINKYGood question! "The Encyclopedia of Clamps" is the only CD-ROM you'll need to buy this, or any other year, and you'll only find it right here on this site! It runs on the MAC/OS and on Windows95 and it's only $20!

Oh...You want more information? Ok..If MTV and Monty Python got together and made a CD-ROM about a tool...it still wouldn't be half as cool as the Encyclopedia of Clamps.

Yeah, but what is it?

MUSE-XWell, The Encyclopedia of Clamps is a full blown reference guide to the most over-looked tool in the tool box...the clamp. On this unique 600 meg CD-ROM you'll find out everything you could ever want to know about the clamp. (If you find that there is not enough information about clamps on this disc you must be a real freak.)

You mean this disc has everything I could ever want to know about the clamp?

Yes..and then some. All the information any normal person would want is contained on the 600 meg disc.

INTERFACEThe other 595 megs contain an interactive amusement park of over 32 exhibition "rooms" filled with interactive comedy games and art. Including some seriously crazed humor and challenging interactive content; from game shows, award-winning short films, cartoon adventures, interactive audio sculptures, new media artworks and shoot 'em up games. A 3-D interface will give you access to 32 + rooms of artistic, non-corporate, funny and cool new media content. All we can say is that we put we wanted to experience (but rarely get to see) on a CD-ROM.

HORACELike what kind of stuff?

Stuff like Horace Hickoid, the beer drinking hillbilly from Bastrop, Texas who lives on the wrong side of the tracks. When not spending time splitting atoms in his imaginary laboratory, Horace likes to rummage around in garbage cans and drink lots of beer. Good going Horace!

PRESIDENTSOr maybe the Hall of Presidents is more your style. Activate the atomic chicken and you might get to hear Dan Quayle spell "potato." The Hall of Presidents contains 30 audio clips from our most famous political sons. What famous convicted U.S. Vice-President said, "If the rocks hadn't been thrown..there would have been no chance for the killings." You'll find out in the Hall of Presidents. Found only in the Encyclopedia of Clamps.

PRESIDENTSOk, we at DE-LUX'O don't want to give you a hard sell or anything. We do want to tell you that The Encyclopedia of Clamps is the kind of CD-ROM that you have been waiting for. In many ways Clamps defies categorization. It's just cool. That is the best way to say it. It's only Twenty bucks and the only place you can find it is right here...So whip out that credit card and start typing.

Hey, but what's Clamps got to do with it?

INTROAt the beginning of the disc you'll find a parody of most CD-ROMS, i.e.: bad design and a subject you are just dying to know more about.... Tom Savin, better known as Mr. Clamp on TV's "Tool World" will guide you through an exciting history of the ubiquitous clamp...What could be more exciting?...

Oh, now I get it!