What do the Reviewers say?

MONTREAL FESTIVALI'm glad you asked that. Since The Encyclopedia of Clamps is so new, it is just now starting to get reviewed in publications around the world. Here's what WIRED NEWS had to say about "CLAMPS" on August 28th. We will keep adding to this page as the reviews come in, and we'll continue to link you to any on-line news about the Encyclopedia of Clamps.


We can also mention, that The Encyclopedia of Clamps recently won an Honorable Mention at the Prix Ars Electronica '97 competition in Linz, Austria. In June of this year, it made its "just out of Beta" debut at the Montreal Film and Multimedia Festival.

ROTTERDAM FESTIVALThe Beta version of the CD-ROM was shown at the Rotterdam International Film Festival and at The New York Video Festival at Lincoln Center. It was also, presented in "CODE" a group show at the Ricco/Maresca Gallery in New York.

So, WIRED loved it, but do you have any other reviews?

A CLAMPWell, here's what Patricia Riedman of Advertising Age's CREATIVITY magazine had to say about it:

"What's interesting about Clamps (the title satirizes the kind of arcane titles that often win awards for multimedia, like a how-to on building backyard decks that took a New York Festivals Gold this year) is it's free form architecture. After sketching out a 3-D interface, the company is adding rooms corridors, elevators and the like to fill 500 megs of fun."

Wow, that does sound cool!

CONSUMER PRODUCTIt is. And if you like The Encyclopedia of Clamps, you'll also like our other CD-ROM, "BAR-MIN-SKI: CONSUMER PRODUCT". It was reviewed in over forty publications, including WIRED, Entertainment Weekly, Axcess, I.D., and the Utne Reader.

You guys are incredible!